
Thursday, July 25, 2013

42 pcs. of John Laue's book, Head Lines and High Lights(2nd Edition)

      42 pcs. of a jocular, brainy senryu collection by John Laue, Word Gains

Sunday, July 21, 2013

You Are My Star!

You Are My Star by Iyza Wojnicki
a romance novel which was considered for
Amazon Breakthrough Novel Award,
came out in 2013 from Writers and Lovers Studio

Copies of Iyza's You Are My Star can be
purchased online via:

$10 USA
$14 Canada

Iyza Cabrera Wojnicki is a haiku poet, editor and webmaster for
Writers and Lovers Studio.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Head Lines and Hights

 出版單位:Writers & Lovers Studio
  Head Lines and High Lightsights 
Second Edition

by John Laue[作]

   ISBN 978-986-5804-07-7 (平裝)

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

A Soldier's Bones


a book of 304 hokku and haiku
composed by robert d. wilson

Copies of robert d. wilson's A Soldier's Bones can be
purchased online via:

$10 USA
$14 Canada

Robert D. Wilson is co-owner of the English-language Japanese
short-form poetry journal, Simply Haiku. His poetry  has been
analyzed as exemplary by leading scholars  including Steven D. Carter,
Michael Marra, David Landis Barnhill, David Lanoue, and Sanford Goldstein.
Wilson's essays on haiku aesthetics are impacting contemporary perception of haiku

Tea Room Haiga Paperback

Haiku combined with photography and the translations into Tagalog, Chinese and Punjabi.

Friday, May 17, 2013

Word Gains by John Laue

A collection of jocular, brainy senryu just out from the Writers and Lovers Studio.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Write Like a Lover Ebook Cover by Iyza Wojnicki

Four years ago I designed this artwork at HOYA and my husband asked me for the permission to use it for his Write Like a Lover book cover.  I own the copyright to my artwork and whoever will use it without my prior permission will be persecuted!

by Iyza Wojnicki