An International Standard Book Number consists of 4 parts (if it is a 10 digit ISBN) or 5 parts (for a 13 digit ISBN):
ISBN is read from left to right starting with the first two
digits as the group number. The second set of numbers is the Publisher
number, then comes the Title number and lastly the check digit for the
Here's some Writers and Lovers Studio ISBN's:
WL Ebook ISBN's
Typhoon 9789868836419
Lie Under the Fif Trees 9789868836433
Tea Room Haiga 9789868836440
Word Gains 9789868836488
Slopes of Lust 9789868836457
Buddha Expats 9789868836464
WL Book ISBN's
Typhoon 978-986-88364-2-6
All our ISBN's have copyright and authorization by author.
ISBN stands for the International Standard Book Number which is a
10-digit number for book identification. This format was developed by
the International Organization for Standardization & was published
in the year 1970. From the year 2007, ISBN is a format that contains 13
digits which is compatible with Booklan EAN-13s. You can find more information here:
by Writers and Lovers Studio